Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Global Warming Essay - 1403 Words

Global temperatures on the Earth’s surface have increased by 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit during the last century, faster than any time in the last 1000 years (Rauber 41). Consequently, the 1990s was the warmest decade in the last 1000 years (â€Å"Global Warming†). As humans emit fossil fuels, greenhouse gasses slowly warm the Earth’s atmosphere (â€Å"EPA Global†). This gradual process is known as global warming. As glaciers begin to melt, sea levels rise and coastal areas in Florida may suffer immense losses (â€Å"Beach Erosion†). Florida’s tourist economy may also suffer a tremendous loss, as well as agriculture (â€Å"Florida Scientists†). With a warmer atmosphere, disease will spread quicker and human health will be threatened throughout the state (â€Å"Global†¦show more content†¦The production of citrus, sugarcane, and tomatoes adds billions of dollars to Florida’s economy (â€Å"Florida Scientists†). Global warming’s effects on agriculture will vary by location and on the specific crop (Alvarez et al). Warming temperatures and carbon dioxide fertilization will increase citrus production by about 6 to 20 percent in Florida over the next 40 to 50 years (Alvarez et al). Although citrus will benefit in the short-term, its productivity in the long-run will suffer (Alvarez et al). Citrus yields will begin to decrease once temperatures have gone past the nominal growing range and soil moisture has been reduced from the heat (Alvarez et al). Sugarcane is a $437 million industry in Florida and is mostly located in Palm Beach County (â€Å"Southeast†). Global warming may severely impact the production and sales of sugarcane (â€Å"Southeast†). If sea levels rise 18 to 20 inches, flooding will intensify and decrease sugarcane yields due to nutrient pollution problems (Alvarez et al). This will decrease sugarcane growth by about 20 percent (â€Å"Southeast†). Florida i s also the nation’s leader in tomato production (Alvarez et al). However, a warming atmosphere could decrease the state’s tomato production by about 44 percent as a result of shortened growth cycles (Alvarez et al). Global warming will definitely lead to changes in how and where Florida farmers grow crops (â€Å"Southeast†). With some crops these changesShow MoreRelated Global Warming Essay1090 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We should all be very concerned about our future on Earth as human beings. We may not be at such an immediate risk of burning to death, but our future descendants are. Every year, the overall temperature has gone up slowly. Eventually Earth will be too hot to live on, and the human race will become extinct! The best way to save our future is to start now. 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Global warming is tooRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay: Facts About Global Warming2102 Words   |  9 PagesGlobal Warming Essay: Facts about Global Warming Spread Environmental Awareness and Encourage Fight against Global Warming Through Your Global Warming Essay The definition of Global warming is, â€Å"The observed and projected increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans†. Human actions, primarily the release of green house gases from smokestacks, vehicles, and burning forests, are perhaps the chief power causing this situation. CO2  (Carbon dioxide) emissions belong to the mostRead More Global Warming Essay2543 Words   |  11 PagesGlobal Warming is an increase in the average temperature around the world. Scientists have been able to trace the global climate and concluded that over the last ten thousand years, the climate of the earth has been relatively constant. In the twentieth century, the global temperature increased 0.740 °C. 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I am interesting in this Topic because I learned from my past experience working for The State Parks in Florida as a Park Ranger; by helping everyone to understand that we need to take care our environment by contribute to help â€Å"Mother Earth†; in addition, Global Warming is a slow increment in the general temperature of the world’s air for the most part credited to the â€Å"Greenhouse† impact brought about byRead MoreGlobal Warming is a Hoax Essay506 Words   |  3 PagesThe essay opens up with McKibben talking about how the political campaign against global warming is flawed because at our current point there is nothing muc h that can be done to fix it.(Mckibben,1) He then goes to state that humans are the biggest culprit behind global warming and supports this by giving examples such as SUVs and American ignorance.(2,9) He concludes by saying that if ten percent of America were to go green, it still would not save the planet, but ten percent could get the government’sRead MoreEssay on The Problem of Global Warming1741 Words   |  7 PagesThe Problem of Global Warming Imagine you are placed into the future. The year is 2100. You begin to live in this new world. You hear about huge storms over much of the USA that cause severe damage and flooding. San Francisco, New York City, New Orleans, Seattle, and Miami all experience major flooding from the ocean level having risen so high. Thousands and thousands of people perish each summer across the USA alone—hundreds die in Chicago as the temperature soars to 100 for 2 weeks straightRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay1026 Words   |  5 Pagescauses of global warming.† (Al Gore). So, what exactly is global warming? Has it happened before? If so, what were the effects? Specifically, how will it affect the human population? Are humans causing it? These are but a few of the questions we need to answer when we study global warming. Global warming is the escalation in the average temperature of Earths near-surface air and oceans that has been occurring since the middle of the twentieth century and its anticipated perpetuation. Global warming

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Anyalization of Pearl from the Scarlet Letter Essay Example For Students

Anyalization of Pearl from the Scarlet Letter Essay One of the most significant writers of the romantic period in American literature wasNathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne wrote stories that opposed the ideas of Transcendentalism. Since he had ancestors of Puritan belief, Hawthorne wrote many stories about Puritan NewEngland. His most famous story is the Scarlet Letter. This novel tells of the punishment of awoman, Hester Prynne, who committed adultery and gave birth to Pearl. A minister of Boston,Arthur Dimmesdale, had an affair with Hester while believing that her husband, RogerChillingworth, had died.However, Chillingworth did not die and appears during the early stagesof Hesters punishment. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the character of Pearl in the Scarlet Letter. Herwhole life had many difficulties while living in Puritan New England. Furthermore, Pearl displaysmuch parallelism to the scarlet letter that Hester must wear. Finally, Pearls birth intensified theconflicts in the novel.Clearly, Pearl becomes the symbol of all the other major characterstragedies. ChronologyThe character of Pearl in the Scarlet Letter lived a very difficult life. Before the novelbegins, Hester Prynne gives birth to Pearl after having an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, aPuritan minister. Pearls birth proves that Hester cheated on her husband Roger Chillingworthprovoking the stories action. The novel opens with the people of Boston staring and laughing atHester holding Pearl while standing on the towns scaffold. At this time, Pearl is three monthsold. Years later Hester gets released from jail and lives with Pearl in the outskirts of town. SinceHester becomes alienated from Boston, Pearl turns into her mothers only treasure! (Hawthorne76). Hester makes bright red clothes for Pearl that parallel the scarlet A. At age three, Pearlendures many laughs and jokes from other Puritan children but chases them away with stones. Since Pearls birth resulted from broken rules, she does not feel the obligation to follow rules. Although her life is an outcast of Puritan society, Pearls language shows a high level ofintelligence.Later, Hester receives word that the magistrates want to take Pearl away from her. Hester takes Pearl to the governors house where the child meets her father, Arthur Dimmesdale. After Dimmesdale persuades the governors to allow Hester to keep Pearl, he gives the child akisson the forehead. This kiss hints that Dimmesdale is Pearls father. When Hester and Pearl return from Governor Winthrops death bed, they join Dimmesdalestanding on the towns scaffold. Pearl asks Dimmesdale Wilt thou stand here with mother andme, to-morrow noontide? (Hawthorne 131) twice. Realizing that Arthur is her father, Pearlwants him to confess his sin so that the three of them can live peacefully. Next, Hester takesPearl for a walk in the woods to meet Dimmesdale. While the two lovers talk and come up withplans to leave for England, Pearl goes off and plays in the woods. After Hester and Dimmesdalefinish talking, Pearl returns and finds that her mother has removed the scarlet letter. Pearl, whohas grown attached to the A, throws a temper tantrum until Hester puts the letter back on herdress. Later, Dimmesdale kisses Pearl, who then runs to a brook and washes off the kiss. Pearldoes not accept Dimmesdale as her father. At the end of the novel, Hester and Pearl go toEngland, but Hester returns and dies in Boston. Hawthorne never tells exactly wha t happenedtoPearl. The people of Boston have many different ideas about Pearls fate. For example, somebelieve that she died or that she married and received money from Chillingworths will.Thecharacter of Pearl portrayed a large role in the plot of the Scarlet Letter. .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .postImageUrl , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:hover , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:visited , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:active { border:0!important; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:active , .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1218bc801fe27c67d9bdd6fea6f1dabe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Their Eyes Were Watching God 4 EssaySignificanceNathaniel Hawthorne develops Pearl into the most obvious central symbol of the novel,the scarlet letter. First, Pearls birth resulted from the sin of adultery, the meaning of the A.Since she came from a broken rule, Pearl does not feel that she has to follow rules. Hawthorneexpresses that The child could not be made amendable to rules (Hawthorne 91). Next, Pearlexhibits the same characteristics as the scarlet letter. For example, the letter contains scarletfabric. Hester makes red clothes for Pearl to wear, making her an outcast of Puritan society. Likewise, wearing the scarlet letter has made Hester an outcast of society. Furthermore, Pearlgrows just as Hester continues to enlarge the letter by adding golden thread.During infancy,The letter is the first object that Pearl becomes aware of (Baym 57). Throughout her life, Pearlbecame very attached to the scarlet letter that was on Hesters bosom. When Hester removed itin the forest, Pearl became detached from her mother. Finally, at the end of the novel Hester,stillwearing the scarlet letter, returns to Boston without Pearl. Although Hawthorne does not tellwhat happened to Pearl, the reader learns about the death of Hester. Before Hester died, shecontinued to wear the scarlet letter. While all alone in Boston, one can reason that Hester worethe letter to keep Pearl a part of herself. Since Pearl symbolized the scarlet letter, she held alargerole in the plot of the Scarlet Letter. Hawthornes character of Pearl is the most significant object in developing the plot of theScarlet Letter. To start, Pearls birth proved Hesters sin of adultery. Subsequently, the people ofBoston forced Hester to wear the scarlet letter. The letter turns Hester into an outcast of society. Next, when Chillingworth found out that Hester gave birth to Pearl, he became determined to findthe father of the child. Chillingworth thinks that Dimmesdale had the affair with Hester, but hecannot prove it. While caring for Dimmesdale, Chillingworth commits many cruel deeds againstthe minister. Pearl helped to create the conflict between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. Furthermore, Pearls birth reminded Dimmesdale of his sin of having an affair with Hester. Because of his cowardly personality, Dimmesdale tries to fast and whip the sin from his bodyplusconfessing his sin as he faces his Sunday congregation (Leavitt 74). The birth of Pearl ignitedthe conflict within Dimmesdale. Finally, the conflict between Pearl and the children of Bostonsurfaces. Pearls red clothing becomes a target of other childrens jokes. If the affair had neverproduced a child, then the novels major conflicts most likely would be less intense. Therefore,every major conflict has its roots with Pearls birth. In Hawthornes novel the Scarlet Letter, Pearl represents the anguish in the lives of theother major characters. Life in Puritan New England presented many difficulties for HesterPrynnes daughter Pearl. Next, Pearl becomes a scarlet letter as the novel progresses. Finally,themost significant part of the Scarlet Letters plot was the birth and life of Pearl. The purpose ofthis essay was to analyze the character Pearl from the Scarlet Letter. Most of her characteristics show that Pearl could be a real child. For example, Pearlslanguage expresses a sign of a child prodigy with a good parent teacher. Pearls behavior couldalso mean that she feels rebellious to all of the hardships that she acquires from society. Finally,Pearl compares with a real child in that she constantly tries throughout the novel to find out whattakes place around her. Overall, Nathaniel Hawthorne developed Pearl successfully and madeher one of the most significant and memorable characters in the Scarlet Letter. .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .postImageUrl , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:hover , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:visited , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:active { border:0!important; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:active , .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0 .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3c8fe06b20ce6beae06a60fcd7210db0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: supreme court desicion of hypothetical case EssayCategory: English

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jury Duty Essays - Juries, Criminal Procedure, Legal Procedure, Jury

Jury Duty Jury system is a trial system that twelve citizens decide whether defendants are guilty or not. The verdict is unanimous. The jurors are all laypersons , as far as law is concerned. There is a reason for unanimous verdict. If one jury is against the verdict,it is regarded as being room for doubt. Advantages of jury system are direct participation of American people, conventional judgement by people, fair stage of investigation, resistance against polictics' and judical plot, and making of democratic consciousness. For example, if a public prosecutor submit unlawful proof without trial permission, counsel makes an objection to it. A chief judge can't admit counsel's objection. Defendant is at a disadvantage. However, there is a possibility that jury system will check rotting of trial. Jurors need not explain reason of verdict to court. If juries feel way of investigation is dirty and viorate human rights, they can decide the defendant is innocnt. In short, jurors can decide defendant is innocent even if a public prosecutor has disadvantageous proofs for the defendant. Juries who are representative of citizen make the decision value about proof. But, Jerome Frank, one of delegates of legal realists, criticized jury system in Law A lot of verdicts are irresponsible juries' products of caprice and prejudice, for example, the defendant is a rich corporation, the plaintiff is a poor boy and the counsel is an eloquent speaker. Such facts often decide who wins or loses. He characterizes that juries have tendency to like weak people and hate strong people. Jury system seems to have many problems. A sophisticated and rich person, a person of position and a busy businessman do not want to become a juror, because juries are bound for all trial period and therefore person who can afford time for trial can become a juror, such as a housewife, an old person and an unemployed person. As a result jurors who have not even seen stock averages are to make the decision for an important and difficult case involved in the Antimonoply Law. It is said that citizen's ability to execute for jury's duty is the problem. But I do not think so. There are not scientific grounds for their abilities.It is a prejudice.Law degree and no proper ability to serve as a juror are not closely connected. Perhaps high educational degree may become an obstacle of conventional judgement. It is said that Japanese companies always lose the lawsuit, because American juries have prejudice against Japanese. Do you think it is true? The answer is NO.The probability of winnig a suit, by a jury who represents American citizen, was fifty to one hundred in data from 1980 to 95. To my surprise, American juries do not seem to matter nationality. After all, hypothesis that American juries have preconception against Japanese and Japanese companies always lose suit is not right. Moreover, hypothesis that juries are emotional and sympathize with defendant, and as a result the opinion that big companies always loses suit is groundless. The cause of distrust in jury system is probably connected to the way of news reports by mass media. Mass media reports minus images. The general public believe it is the real image in spite of successful verdicts. The present age is the one of an information-intensive society. Many people are influenced by the mass media. If those people who have prejudice happen to see a juror who gives a big yawn or dozes during trial, minus image generalizes with conviction. Let me give you a concrete example. Under sensational headline of newspapers, mass media reports great costs of jury trials as if every trial by a jury costs a lot. I agree with the idea of jury system. It is very good that American people participate in judicature. But, many people take a critical attitude toward the jury system. I never think that they are wrong. They may say We had better entrust trial to trained judge. However, meaning of jury system's existence is to stick to common sense of citizens. Providing whether the man is innocent or not by legal rights all people can exercise is permitted is more important than the fact whether the man is innocent or not.