Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay about Experimentation on Animals is Ethical and...

Experimentation on Animals is Ethical and Necessary How is it that ensuring the safety of human lives can be perceived as immoral? It is difficult to understand that some people are more concerned with an animal’s quality of life rather than their own or a loved one’s. It is true that some experiments used to insure human safety may inflict pain upon animals, but how can it be that some people value the comfort of an animal over that of a human life. Vivisection is the experimentation on animals subjects and has often led to many significant scientific discoveries. Despite what may be believed by animal right activists, scientist do not conduct vivisection without reason; many experimental breakthroughs have come out of it, and it†¦show more content†¦Often these scientists will also use what is referred to as â€Å"Good Tactics.† For this method they will often question themselves, â€Å"Is the experiment really necessary?† â€Å"Can some sort of benefit be gained by it?† In addition to th ese guidelines the scientist also must follow a number of laws and regulations concerning the welfare and the care of the animals. With all the regulations and guidelines that are set, only the most essential of experiments are conducted on living creatures. Aside from the fact that vivisection is necessary, most of the experiments can be indeed considered moral due to guidelines the scientists follow and the fact that human lives are at stake. Vivisection is thought to be one of the most accurate ways to test scientific inquiries and is an absolute necessity in assuring the safety of the general public. It is predicted that vivisection will never be replaced. Although many alternatives have been found, animal experimentation will still remain a prominent role in medical research and product testing. Some of the alternatives that are out today include tissue and cell culture studies, cadaver research, and computer simulation. Though these alternatives are considered valuable they do not replace surveying how an intact living organism reacts to certain diseases or toxins. Vitro systems are cultures derivedShow MoreRelatedAnimal Experimentation And Animal Testing1261 Words   |  6 Pagesand against animal experimentation. The report begins with an introduction briefly outlining what animal experimentation refers to, introducing the three perspectives and highlighting the intention behind this investigation. 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